New Year's resolutions are a bit like post-it notes: You write on them, stick it up on your fridge, and before long, they find their way to the bin, one after the other. The fresh energy and optimism that initially drove you fades to casual negligence, then disinterest. What you are left with is a nagging sense of being weak minded. However, it doesn't need to be this way. There are a few simple steps that can help you stick with your resolutions.
The How-To
Firstly, know that you are not the only one; there are many who get caught in the cycle of make and break resolutions each and every year. To break the cycle, all you need are the easy to follow techniques listed below:
1. K.I.S.S
Keep it simple and short. Rather than list 5 or 10 things you wish to change, focus on only one thing. For instance, taking a brisk walk every morning. Follow this for a week, a month, and you may surprise yourself by developing a new habit.
2. Share
Talking about your resolution with a select few people can provide the right kind of motivation to stick to the plan. After all, no one likes to lose face, especially with family and friends. The other benefit of sharing is that you are telling your own self to gear up for the change.
3. Prepare
It is quite a common habit to make your resolutions in the last week of the year. Some may even come up with it at the stroke of midnight. What you really need to do is prepare for the change you want to make well in advance. Perhaps even a month or two. This gives you, and your mind, the time to adjust to the new idea. Once you get comfortable with it, breaking the resolution becomes the harder task.
4. Take Setbacks in Your Stride
The excitement of following a new resolution can be deflated when you face a setback or two. For instance, you could not get up early enough for your walk. Don't fret over it. Take in your stride and look forward. Think of the long-term, of continuing your habit, rather than focus on missing out on a single day.
5. Rhubarb Complex®
These ingredients have traditionally been used to:
- Increase Energy
- Reduce bloating
- Manage weight Loss
- Improve sleep
- Combat yeast infections
- Improve complexion
- Regulate bowel movements
- IBS Relief
Our expert blend of rhubarb, ginger, aloe ferrox and cayenne can aid digestion, increase metabolism and burn fat. The only 100% natural detox on the market to use powerful, non-habit forming ingredients. Take one to two capsules just before your evening meal.
You Can Do It.
Sticking to resolutions can be as easy or as hard as you make them out to be. A surefire way to succeed is by taking small, decisive steps towards the change you want to achieve. Before long, you will begin to notice how much things have changed for the better.